Streetdog Foundation

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I Streetdog::EricaLindsey

I Streetdog:: Erica Lindsey

Back in November of 2012, I was almost halfway through my 1st year of law school and probably the most miserable I had ever been in my life. I suffered from depression and cried almost everyday. One day, a friend who volunteered with Streetdog Foundation asked me to come with her to meet a dog she had helped rescue and walk some dogs living in boarding. I went, and that was the day that changed my whole life.

I met Parker, a Streetdog that was fighting for his life. He couldn't go on walks but he liked to snuggle and loved treats. So I started visiting Parker almost everyday at the vet's office. Then I met Melanie Pafford, Streetdog's founder, shortly after that and she saw potential in me and I think she was secretly watching the positive effect that Parker and I were having on each other. Slowly, day by day, we were healing each other. I started just showing up more and asking how else I could help. Then I came to an adoption event one weekend where a huge fight broke out and a dog bit a woman in the knee and chaos ensued. There were dogs barking and people flying everywhere Man, I was hooked, it was the craziest most exhilarating Saturday I'd had in ages.

Every day I took on more and more responsibilities with Streetdog Foundation. Then one day I got asked to join their Board of Directors and be the Volunteer Coordinator. My mundane life, that seemingly had no real purpose or direction began to shift and really take shape. My purpose everyday was to help the dogs and fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves and bring more people into this mission I was so passionate about.

Today, I could not imagine my life without Streetdog Foundation or the people in it. They have become some of my best friends (both human and canine ;)) I am able to be a wife, a soon-to-be mother, a working attorney and an active animal advocate because of Streetdog Foundation. This organization is my purpose and I'm grateful I get to be a part of it every single day.